Monday, November 16, 2009

How to play flash video on iPhone?

Apple and Adobe have long been involved in an issue of whether and how to implement flash playback functionality on the popular handset. Adobe is willingly to offer flash player application to run on iPhone. But the Flash component is different from Flash Lite, the mobile solution for Flash playback provided by the multimedia company on other smart phones such as Nokia and Windows Mobile. Apple's CEO Steve Jobs in a recent comment said the Flash player is either weak on functionality of mobile build for phones or heavy on resource consumption of standard build for desktop. Therefore, the implement of Flash playback with iPhone will be overdue with no deadlines.

Though this is a pity to iPhone's bold declaration to bring the whole desktop experience to the handset, geeks have by efforts found adaptable solutions to get Flash to play on iPhone. For instance, iPhone users may use a third-party application named iMobileCinema. This powerful plug-in for iPhone's web browser safari claims unparalleled capability to enable FLV video playback on web sites like YouTube. Because the application is not approved by Apple, users have to jailbreak their iPhone prior to install it.

If you don't want the risk to jailbreak your iPhone, you can transcode the FLV videos to iPhone MP4 format. You can use Leawo Free iPhone Converter to attend to the job. This freeware is able to convert FLV to iPhone MP4 videos within just a few clicks. Here is a brief introduction of the FLV to MP4 conversion course in Leawo Free iPhone Converter.

leawo free iphone converter
Step 1, run Leawo Free iPhone Converter, drag the FLV videos in the program and drop.
Step 2, select the desired output profile for different resolutions.
Step 3, click the Process button to give it a go.
The converted MP4 videos are located in Leawo's output folder, 100% smooth playback on iPhone. In this way you will need a desktop or notebook computer to assist you. But it turns out no potential risk to your iPhone. Regarding jailbreak, to do or not to do, it is upon your decision.

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